Epiphany Sunrise & Yoga - A blog about my journey with Yoga.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Son is Rising

Tomorrow will be my son's last day at the Society for the Treatment of Autism (STA). He has spent the last three years there in intense therapy for Autism.
When Ivan started there he was completely non-verbal, didn't make eye contact with us and would only spin plastic container lids on the floor. Now he doesn't stop talking, can read and can look at us in the eye. I will never forget the first time he called me Mama or when he first said I love you.
There has been many therapists over the years that have worked with Ivan to help him get out of the clouds. Craig and I are so thankful for all of them. If I was to win the lottery tomorrow I would give a significant portion to the STA because they help re-create my son by pulling him out of his autistic fog.
Maybe one day I will get to mill over my feeling about autism, or my theories but right now it just seems too close......to soon.
Next Thursday my son will be going into a regular Grade One classroom and I am so proud of him!


Nicole said...

That's fantastic! You must be thrilled - and starting first grade, what an accomplishment. It's amazing, amazing what early intervention can do!

Acheron said...

*hugs* Love all three of you, and watching Ivan come out these past years has been amazing. It was awesome going for the walk with the 5 kids on Sunday and seeing Ivan leading the way most of the time!