Really there is only 3 bandhas.
Mula Bandha
Uddiyana Bandha
Jalandhara Bandha
But there is a secret bandha that only a few, very connected people know about…..the fourth bandha. Now I can let the cat out of the bag or you can travel to Victoria, BC and learn all about the fourth bandha.
Alright! Here it comes!
The fourth bandha is the superior movement of the Labium superius & the Labium inferius. The lips, of course. To create a smile. Yes that is it… makes you smile, doesn’t it?
I didn’t create this but I heard it from one of my Gurus, Jeff. He won’t claim it as his own either. He heard it from his Guru, Sri O.P Tiwari. He talks about the fourth bandha often and it really helps to lighten the mood. Most people have heard it before and just smile right away. But the new people, they are like, ‘What!!! There is another one I have to figure out how to hold?!!!”.
It makes sense, really. As a yoga teacher I see people hold their mouths in some of the angriest faces. But they are enjoying themselves, right? I mean they are coming to the yoga class because they enjoy it, right? Doesn’t look like it.
I like to use humor in my classes. A few jokes here and there will turn those frowns upside down. The fourth bandha is engaged and the postures seemed to become a little bit lighter; a little bit easier. It’s the easiest bandha’s to connect with and engage.
Finally something that is effortless effort!
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