Epiphany Sunrise & Yoga - A blog about my journey with Yoga.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A New Day, A New Blog

Apparently in 2007 I decided to start a blog on this very page. I may have been even earlier than that as I recall it was a blog to vent some frustrations about some old friends of ours. Those friends have been gone for close to five years now and I no longer need such a bitter blog. I must have deleted all the old posts because I cannot find them now. Probably a good thing as I really do not want to re-live those old feelings.
So here we are in 2011.
So far this year has been full of many adventures so far and we are only five months in. Everything seems to be in overdrive in preparation for the shift of 2012. Including my awareness of all that is around me, how I spend my time and my connection to the Source. In-fact it has been all up hill since about 2007. Up hill to the Epiphany Sunrise of course. Up hill to a greater awareness than I have ever experience in this lifetime. I have learned many things over the years through yoga teacher training and self study, svadhyaya.
Recently I have been reading some amazing blogs and it is through these bloggers that I have been silently encouraged to start my own blog. In hopes of continuing it over time and maybe.....just maybe it will be something that will inspire others. Most of the blog will be based on experiences in my yoga practice (not just the poses) and the rest may just end up being rants. I am very sure it won't end up being bitter and directionless like my old blog of 2007.
So here we go....my first post is finished.

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